I have created my custom master page. But i don't want to display it in Site Master Page and System Master Page dropdown in Site Master Page Settings.
How can i do this programmatically?
So,Finally i got the answer. To solve this issue you have to make changes in element.xml file.
<File Path="MasterPageGalleryModule\xyz.master" Url="xyz.Configuration.master" Type="GhostableInLibrary">
<Property Name="Title" Value="xyz Masterpage" />
<Property Name="UIVersion" Value="15" />
<Property Name="ContentType" Value="$Resources:cmscore,contenttype_masterpage_name;" />
**<Property Name="PublishingHidden" Value="TRUE" />**
To hide master page you have to add new property i.e. PublishingHidden and set its value "TRUE".
Make sure that Publishing feature should be activated for particular sitecollection before deployment.