When I change to use WKWebView to load the local HTML, there are some issues. Due to the auto scaling, I have added the code to the html.
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0" />
For now, the html can be loaded, but the front type is not correct. Obviously, the right one(WKWebView) is not the same with the left one(UIWebView). I use the local front type in the project.
I wonder if I need to add something else to load the html with the correct front type. Could you please help me? Thanks in advance.
WkWebView loading is through string html. WkWebView is using local .css. Fonts are local and are added at top level project. Entries for fonts are provided in appName-info.plist under key Fonts provided by application.
Add font face in .css at top level as follows
font-family: 'FontFamily';
src: local('FontFamily'),url('FontFileName.otf') format('opentype');