Search code examples

Execute single cucumber test case in a scenario outline using command line command

I want to execute single test case from a scenario outline using protractor.For example in the below Scenario Outline if I want to execute the test case TCID0002 alone, how I can run the test case TCID0002 using protractor?

Scenario Outline: Test
    Given the user navigates to
    When the user searches for <product>
    Then the current page is shopping cart page
    |TCID    |  product|
    |TCID0001|soap     |
    |TCID0002|watch    |
    |TCID0003|lipstick |

To run all the test case now I use

protractor Config.js --cucumberOpts.tags="@shopping" 

Is there any command to execute single test case in the scenario outline ?


  • Found solution to execute single test case in cucumber with a help of my team member.

    To run single test case follow the below 2 steps

    Step 1

    Keep TCID in the scenario title as shown below

    Scenario Outline: <TCID> test case to validate search
        Given the user navigates to
        When the user searches for <product>
        Then the current page is search result page
        |TCID    |  product|
        |TCID0001|soap     |
        |TCID0002|watch    |
        |TCID0003|lipstick |

    Step 2

    Use in your command. '' will filter the scenarios which contain the given string in the scenario title."WAGCAR0002" will filter the WAGCAR0002 scenario alone.


    The below command will execute the test case 'WAGCAR0002'

    protractor Config/wagConfig.js"WAGCAR0002"