I want to execute single test case from a scenario outline using protractor.For example in the below Scenario Outline if I want to execute the test case TCID0002 alone, how I can run the test case TCID0002 using protractor?
Scenario Outline: Test
Given the user navigates to xxx.com
When the user searches for <product>
Then the current page is shopping cart page
|TCID | product|
|TCID0001|soap |
|TCID0002|watch |
|TCID0003|lipstick |
To run all the test case now I use
protractor Config.js --cucumberOpts.tags="@shopping"
Is there any command to execute single test case in the scenario outline ?
Found solution to execute single test case in cucumber with a help of my team member.
To run single test case follow the below 2 steps
Step 1
Keep TCID in the scenario title as shown below
Scenario Outline: <TCID> test case to validate search
Given the user navigates to xxx.com
When the user searches for <product>
Then the current page is search result page
|TCID | product|
|TCID0001|soap |
|TCID0002|watch |
|TCID0003|lipstick |
Step 2
Use cucumberOpts.name in your command. 'cucumberOpts.name' will filter the scenarios which contain the given string in the scenario title. --cucumberOpts.name="WAGCAR0002" will filter the WAGCAR0002 scenario alone.
The below command will execute the test case 'WAGCAR0002'
protractor Config/wagConfig.js --cucumberOpts.name="WAGCAR0002"