Looking at the code below:
Algorithm sort
Declare A(1 to n)
n = length(A)
for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n-1 inclusive do
if A[i-1] > A[i] then
swap( A[i-1], A[i] )
end if
next j
next i
I would say that there are:
- 2 loops, both n, n*n = n^2 (n-1 truncated to n)
- 1 comparison, in the j loop, that will execute n^2 times
- A swap that will execute n^2 times
- There are also 2n additions with the loops, executing n^2 times, so 2n^2
The answers given in a mark scheme:
Evaluation of algorithm
The only comparison appears in the j loop.
Since this loop will iterate a total of n^2
times, it will execute
exactly n^2
Data swaps
- There may be a swap operation carried out in the j loop.
- Swap( A[i-1], A[i] ) Each of these will happen n^2 times.
- Therefore there are 2n^2 operation carried out within the j loop
- The i loop has one addition operation incrementing i which happens n
- Adding these up we the number of addition operations which is 2n^2 +
- As n gets very big then n^2 will dominate therefore it is O(n^2)
NOTE: Calculations might include assignment operations but these will not affect overall time so ignore
Marking overview:
- 1 mark for identifying i loop will execute n times.
- 1 mark for identifying j loop will execute 2n^2 times Isn't this meant to be n*n = n^2? For i and j
- 1 mark for correct number of calculations 2n^2 + n Why is this not
- 1 mark for determining that the order will be dominated by n^2 as n
gets very big giving O(n^2) for the algorithm
Edit: As can be seen from the mark scheme, I am expected to count:
- Loop numbers, but n-1 can be truncated to n
- Comparisons e.g. if statements
- Data swaps (counted as one statement, i.e. arr[i] = arr[i+1], temp = arr[i], etc. are considered one swap)
- Calculations
- Space - just n for array, etc.
Could someone kindly explain how these answers are derived?
Thank you!
Here's my take on the marking scheme, explicitly marking the operations they're counting. It seems they're counting assignments (but conveniently forgetting that it takes 2 or 3 assignments to do a swap). That explains why they count increment but not the [i-1]
Counting swaps
i loop runs n times
j loop runs n-1 times (~n^2-n)
swap (happens n^2 times) n^2
Counting additions (+=
i loop runs n times
j loop runs n-1 times (~n^2)
increment j (happens n^2 times) n^2
increment i (happens n times) n
sum: 2n^2 + n