I´ve a webrequest with jsonserialization, after that, a for-in fetch process. In whole this takes approximately 5-7 seconds. After that i want to refersh my tableview in Viewcontroller. The scheme of the function looks like this.
public struct Container {
let name: String
let symbol: String
let rank: String
public var dataArray = [Container]()
func fetchNewData() {
var view = ViewController()
// WebbRquest...
// Json serialization...
// the following list is much longer, will take a while...
for items in json {
let name = items["name"] as? AnyObject;
let symbol = items["symbol"] as? AnyObject;
let rank = items["rank"] as? AnyObject;
let result = Container(name: name! as! String, symbol: symbol! as! String,rank: rank! as! String)
// Now, after alle the work is done, i want to reload the tableview in Viewcontrller:
// Here i´m getting error, because nothing will be executed after return.
How can I call the reload function, after the webrequest process is finished? Because after the return, the function doesn´t execute anything anymore. And no other function will "know" when the fetchNewData() function is finished. Thanks for any help!
@IBAction func updateButton(_ sender: Any) {
According Phillipps suggestion, I had to modify the @IBAction func a little bit. But now it´s working. Awesome! Here the full working version:
public struct Container {
let name: String
let symbol: String
let rank: String
public var dataArray = [Container]()
func fetchNewData(completion:@escaping ([Container])->()) {
var view = ViewController()
// WebbRquest...
// Json serialization...
// the following list is much longer, will take a while...
for items in json {
let name = items["name"] as? AnyObject;
let symbol = items["symbol"] as? AnyObject;
let rank = items["rank"] as? AnyObject;
let result = Container(name: name! as! String, symbol: symbol! as! String,rank: rank! as! String)
This is the actionFunc:
@IBAction func upDateButton(_ sender: Any) {
let data = dataArray
fetchNewData() {_ in (data)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Here's a start. It will be vague because I'm making guesses about code I can't see, but you may be able to convert it to your own needs.
Change the fetch function so that it takes a closure as a parameter:
func fetchNewData(completion:([Container])->()) {
...note that the closure will accept the data array when it's called. After you have your json all parsed, you then invoke the closure:
The "magic" is in the view controller where you tell fetchNewData
what to do when it's finished. Something like:
@IBAction func updateButton(_ sender: Any) {
fetchNewData() {(data)
// Save the data where the view controller can use it
self.tableArray = data
// Main queue for UI update
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Note that the closure is written in the view controller, so self
is the view controller. This means no need to create a second (useless) controller inside the fetch.