Search code examples

create complex kibana dashboard

here are my logs:

index: purchase

 {details: { name: john, corID: 12345678 , UUID : 555gotr}}
 {details: { name: bill, corID: 96657545 , UUID : ggg777}}

other indexes

{town: NY, ID: 12345678 }
{a:b , v: g}
{a: hi, b: 12345678}
{g:f , k:ggg777 }

I would like to create a dashboard where a the user can enter a name, process will search in purchase index for<name> , extract details.UUID and search in all other indexes for logs which contain the details.UUID

example for above details:

user enters: john

kibana dashboard result: (all logs which have 12345678)

{details: { name: john, corID: 12345678 , UUID : 555gotr}}
{town: NY, ID: 12345678 }
{a: hi, b: 12345678}


  • You need to create multiple visualisations, some on purchase index and some of other index, then search in the navbar text input ,12345678 and each visualisation will show the documents on specific index.