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Jquery - target multiple child divs individually not simultaneously

I have a div that has multiple looping videos. In order to improve performance i have the videos paused until they scroll into the viewport using this code:

 jQuery(window).on("load resize scroll",function(e){
        if (jQuery('#vid-container').visible(true)) {
        } else {
            jQuery('iframe[id*="fitvid0"]').each(function () {

function start_vid(){
    jQuery('iframe[id*="fitvid0"]').each(function () {
                $f(this).api('setVolume', 0);

This works but since each video iframe has the same ID they all start playing at the same time once #vid-container comes into view.

Im trying to figure out a way that I could target each vid Iframe individually so they would begin playing one by one as the scroll into view not simultaneously.

something like:

if (jQuery('#vid-container child2, #vid-container child3, #vid-container child4, #vid-container child5').visible(true)) {

Hope that makes sense.. thanks

ps im using jquery.visible plugin and vimeo api


  • Check visibility in the start_vid() function.

    function start_vid(){
        $f('iframe[id*="fitvid0"]').each(function () {
            if ($f(this).visible(true)) {
                $f(this).api('setVolume', 0);