I have this Linq query:
var area = db.MyDbSet
.Where(s => s.langid == langid)
.GroupBy(s => s.Title)
.Select(g => new { Title = g.Key })
.Select(s => s.Title);
I want to return another column from the same table, its called: CodeId
I am noob Linq programmer and quite lost in all those mish-mash things in C# so I can't really understand what should I do.
Can somebody help me how to return the another column from the same table with the same query call?
This may help you :
var area = db.MyDbSet
.Where(s => s.langid == langid)
.GroupBy(s => s.Title)
.Select(g => new { Title = g.Key, CodeId = g.FirstOrDefault().CodeId });