I have some data in this format:
Dep Dest geom
---- ---- -----
EDDF KIAD LINESTRING(3.961389 43.583333, 3.968056 43.580....
Which contains flight trajectories. The geom column contains the coordinates in WKT format. It is possible to convert them via the library geomet to GeoJSON format, which I want to do in a new column.
In order to do this efficiently with Pandas, I am trying to do:
from geomet import wkt
import json
df = .... #load data to df
df['geojson'] = df['geom'].apply(lambda x: json.dumps(wkt.loads(x['geom'] )))
Which does not work. Any way to make it happen?
Try changing the following line:
df['geojson'] = df['geom'].apply(lambda x: json.dumps(wkt.loads(x['geom'] )))
into this one:
df['geojson'] = df['geom'].apply(lambda x: json.dumps(wkt.loads(x)))
This produce the desired results:
from geomet import wkt
import json
#Generate dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({"Dep":["EDDf"],
"Dest": ["KIAD"],
"geom": ["LINESTRING(3.961389 43.583333, 3.968056 43.580)"]})
#Apply function to create new column
df["geojson"] = df["geom"].apply(lambda x: json.dumps(wkt.loads(x)))
This creates:
Dep Dest geom geojson
0 EDDf KIAD LINESTRING(3.961389 43.583333, 3.968056 43.580) {"type": "LineString", "coordinates": [[3.9613...