I set up an Amazon EMR instance which includes 1 Master & 1 Core (m4 Large) with the following version details: EMR : 5.5.0 Presto: Presto 0.170 Hadoop 2.7.3 HDFS Hive 2.1.1 Metastore
My Spark app wrote out the data in ORC to Amazon S3. Then I created the table in hive (create external table TABLE ... partition() stored as ORC location 's3a"//'
), and tried to query from presto-cli, and I get the following error for query SELECT * from TABLE
Query 20170615_033508_00016_dbhsn failed: com.facebook.presto.spi.type.DoubleType
The only query that works is:
Any ideas?
Found out the problem. The column orders when it was stored as orc did not match those when table was created in hive :)!!!