Imagine I have a RDF4J server and workbench running on an AWS server at
...and I recently registered the domain
via AWS route 53 and pointed it to
My AWS security group has all ports open for the laptop I'm using now.
If I use a web browser to visit
, the expected web interface comes up immediately.
However, if I try to visit
, the page takes roughly one minute to load. Once it does, the RDF4J Server URL
is set to
. Clicking any of the exploration links on the left lead to waiting...
If I change the RDF4J Server URL
to http://localhost:8080/rdf4j-server
in the web interface, then I am able to browse, explore, query, etc.
Is there a way to set the workbench's default server? I didn't see any parameter files that look relevant in my RDF4J home /opt/tomcat/.RDF4J
I didn't see any errors in the log files in that folder, either.
There are timeout errors in catalina.out that might be relevant:
23-May-2017 14:45:09.597 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-6] org.eclipse.rdf4j.workbench.proxy.ServerValidator.canConnect Connection timed out (Connection timed out) Connection timed out (Connection timed out)
I am also open to name-resolution tricks. I added the following line to /etc/hosts
. That seems to work, but it seems a little too sneaky for my taste.
I'm not immediately sure why using the server address from the Workbench fails when direct access clearly works.
But as for how to configure the server address the Workbench uses: it's normally extrapolated from the location of the Workbench (that is, if it's on the same host), or if that doesn't work, the Workbench leaves it empty until you manually fill it out. Once set though, the value should be saved in a browser cookie, so upon next visit you shouldn't have to re-enter it.
If that fails either your browser is configured to reject cookies, or you may have found a bug.