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How to run a WHMCS hook for any one template

I want to run a hook only one template? I mean the primary navigation bar hook should be run if anyone access the WHMCS by using index.php?systpl=six Not on any other template.



  • Currently, WHMCS developer documentation doesn't provide a way to get the current template for menus hooks.

    But I noticed that there is a global variable that have the active template, you need to test through all pages to make sure code is working, I tested on Client Services page:

    function my_custom_navs_func() {
        global $inputParams;
        $activeTemplate = $inputParams['clientareatemplate'];
        if ($activeTemplate == 'six') {
            //Do something here!
    add_hook('ClientAreaNavbars', 1, 'my_custom_navs_func');