I'm creating empty project and adding master page there. If i add ios UIDatePicker to mainPage everything works, but on MasterDetailPage doesn't, checked element from code on masterPage it is null.
this master detail page
<ios:UIDatePicker x:Name="dp" />
and this usual main page
<Grid x:Name="content1">
<ios:UIDatePicker x:Name="dp" />
just change
MainPage = new App8.MainPage();
MainPage = new App8.MasterDetailPage1();
in app.xaml.cs
found solution, add stacklayout to your xaml page, and folowing code to cs file
var dt = new UIDatePicker();
UIView vw = new UIView();
var fr = vw.Frame;
fr.Width = 300f;
fr.Height = 100f;
vw.Frame = fr;
dt.Frame = new CGRect (0, 0, vw.Frame.Width,0);