I have a taglib method written in taglib.groovy. I want to use that method in one of the columns inside my list view of objects.
How should I approach that?
You can call it like any other taglib method:
<g:myTag />
Or if you're passing attributes:
<g:myTag attr1="Attr1" attr2="Attr2" />
Unless you've used a different namespace in the taglib then use that in the call:
<myNameSpace:myTag attr1="Attr1" attr2="Attr2" />
To call from a controller using the g namespace:
g.myTag( attr1: 'Attr1', attr2: 'Attr2' )
Or for a custom tag lib using Grails 3:
myNameSpace.myTag( attr1: 'Attr1', attr2: 'Attr2' )
Another way to access:
def myTagLib = grailsApplication.mainContext.getBean( 'com.MyTagLib' )
myTagLib.myTag( attr1: 'Attr1', attr2: 'Attr2' )