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Scikit Learn Predicting a Single Observation

This is probably a really stupid question, but why do the following give different results?

X == array([  7.84682988e-01,   3.80109225e-17,   8.06386582e-01,
             1.00000000e+00,   5.71428571e-01,   4.44189342e+00])

model.predict_proba(X)[1] # gives array([ 0.35483244,  0.64516756])
model.predict_proba(X[1]) # gives an error
model.predict_proba(list(X[1])) # gives array([[ 0.65059327,  0.34940673]])

Model is a LGBMClassifier from the lightgbm library.


  • Lets break it into simple steps to analyse:

    1) model.predict_proba(X)[1]

    This is equivalent to

    probas = model.predict_proba(X)

    So this first outputs the probabilities of all classes for all samples. So lets say your X contains 5 rows and 4 features, with two different classes.

    So probas will be something like this:

                Prob of class 0,   prob of class 1  
    For sample1         [[0.1,            0.9],
    For sample2          [0.8,            0.2],
    For sample3          [0.85,           0.15],
    For sample4          [0.4,            0.6],
    For sample5          [0.01,           0.99]]

    probas[1] will just output the probabilities for second column of your probas output, ie. probability of class 1.

    Output [0.9,     0.2,   0.15,       0.6,       0.99]

    Other two lines of code depend on the implementation and version of how to handle single dimension array. For eg. scikit v18 only shows a warning for it and considers it as a single row. But v19 (master branch) throws an error.

    EDIT: Updated for LGBMClassifier

    2) model.predict_proba(X[1])

    This is equivalent to:

    X_new = X[1]

    Here you are selecting only the second row which results in a shape [n_features, ]. But LGBMClassifier require 2-d data to be of shape [n_samples, n_features]. This can be a possible source of error as mentioned above. You can reshape the given array to have 1 in place of n_samples:

    model.predict_proba(X[1].reshape(1, -1)) # Will work correctly

    3) model.predict_proba(list(X[1]))

    This can be broken into:

    X_new = list(X[1])

    This is also mostly same as 2nd, just that the X_new is now a list instead of numpy array, and automatically handled as a single row (same as X[1].reshape(1, -1) in 2nd case), instead of throwing an error.

    So considering the example above, the output will be only,

    For sample2          [0.8,            0.2],