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Visual Studio Add-in no longer allows me to debug it

My visual studio addin project will not longer build and run in the debugger. I get the following error message when I try to run it:

A project with an Output Type of CLass Library cannot be stared directly.

It was working about 5 months ago just fine but I opened it and and ran it for the first time since then and get this message. It used to startup another instance of Visual Studio with the addin installed via a proxy addin file.

How do I configure the project or solution to make it behave this way again? Do I need to manually tweak the project of solution file?


  • I figured it out. Some how Visual studio lost the Start External Program and the Command line arguments setting values.

    Start External Program needs to be set to:

    [Visual Studio path]\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe

    And the Command line argument should be:

    /resetaddin [Name of addin].connect

    alt text