I am testing a class's method in Python 2.7 using Mock 2.0.0 Library
Here is how the method under test looks like:
from sklearn.externals import joblib
class ClassUnderTest():
def MethodUnderTest(self, path, myDict):
newDict= {}
for key, val in myDict.iteritems():
retVal= (joblib.load(path + val))
newDict[key] = retVal
return newDict
Now, my intention is to test MethodUnderTest but mock joblib.load and not call it in reality. So, to achieve this, I use the @patch decorator available in Mock library. My test looks as follows:
import unittest from mock import MagicMock, patch from sklearn.externals import joblib import ClassUnderTest
class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):
def test_MethodUnderTest(self, mockJoblibLoad):
dict = {"v1": "p1.pkl"}
retVal = ClassUnderTest.MethodUnderTest("whateverpath", dict)
Now if I have to assert on retVal's keys and values against something, that something is based on what the mocked return value of joblib.load is. If I knew that value somehow then, I would be able to know what MethodUnderTest returns.
The problem here is that I don't know what that mocked value of joblib.load is when it is mocked using @patch decorator.
Does someone know how to get around this problem ? Or if there is a better way to mock python libraries like joblib and their methods like load and get a handle of that mock object ?
class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):
@patch('path.to.module.joblib.load') # You path is probably wrong here
def test_MethodUnderTest(self, mockJoblibLoad):
# Set the side_effect if you want to return different things on
# each iteration e.g. mockJoblib.side_effect = [...]
mockJoblibLoad.return_value = ...
test_dict = {"v1": "p1.pkl"}
expect = {"v1": mockJoblibLoad.return_value}
actual = ClassUnderTest.MethodUnderTest("whateverpath", dict)
self.assertEqual(expect, actual)