The context objects generated by Entity Framework are not thread-safe.
What if I use two separate entity contexts, one for each thread (and call SaveChanges()
on each) - will this be thread-safe?
// this method is called from several threads concurrently
public void IncrementProperty()
var context = new MyEntities();
I believe entity framework context implements some sort of 'counter' variable which keeps track of whether the current values in the context are fresh or not.
More than one thread operating on a single Entity Framework context is not thread safe.
A separate instance of context for each thread is thread-safe. As long as each thread of execution has its own instance of EF context you will be fine.
In your example, you may call that code from any number of threads concurrently and each will be happily working with its own context.
However, I would suggest implementing a 'using' block for this as follows:
// this method is called from several threads concurrently
public void IncrementProperty()
using (var context = new MyEntities())