I am trying out CosmosDB and Visual Studio Mac for the first time and I'm getting errors such as
The base class associated with this Xaml file could not be found
/Users/Downloads/DocumentDB-Quickstart-Xamarin/packages/Xamarin.Forms.,3): Error MSB4018: The "XamlCTask" task failed unexpectedly.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file "/Users/Downloads/DocumentDB-Quickstart-Xamarin/iOS/obj/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/DocumentDBTodo.iOS.exe.mdb".
File name: '/Users/Downloads/DocumentDB-Quickstart-Xamarin/iOS/obj/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/DocumentDBTodo.iOS.exe.mdb'
All I did was
Was there something in my setup that I'm missing?
The template has not been updated with the latest Xamarin.Forms and VS is not being able to compile the code.
Update the Xamarin.Forms package manually by right-click (over the package) -> Update. Once updated clean and rebuild your project and you will be good to go.
Hope this helps.-