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Import pandas with graphics disabled

I'm running an analysis using the Sun Grid Engine.

However, in my code I import pandas, which causes this error to be raised:

import pandas as pd

: cannot connect to X server :3026.0

What I've gathered from some Googling and conversations with my sys admin is that pandas is trying to load graphics, and the SGE is not allowing this.

I don't want to do any plotting with pandas. I just want to use its DataFrame features.

Is there a way to load pandas with graphics disabled, so the SGE doesn't hiccup in this way?

UPDATE: I reverted to pandas version 0.18, and that version does not cause this error. Version 0.20 does cause the error. I don't have time to investigate exactly which version introduced the error. But I did post this as an issue on the pandas GitHub issue tracker, so hopefully someone else will do the work that remains to fix this.


  • The pandas team told me that this bug should be fixed as of version 0.20.2.

    If you are compelled to use versions of pandas that contain this bug, one potential workaround is to include

    export DISPLAY=""

    at the top of the bash script you submit to SGE.