I am using the following query to perform a text search using SQLite.
docs = DocumentIndex.search(
'search term',
weights={'title': 2.0, 'content': 1.0},
for result in docs:
print result.title, result.search_score
The result is a ranked list of DocumentIndex
. How can I join this result with the Document
table, so that it returns a list of Document
preserving the original ranked order?
I tried the following:
return Document.select().where(docs)
but it doesn't work saying that only a single result allowed
The way I prefer to handle this kind of thing is to ensure that the docid
of the full-text-search table is the same as the primary key of whatever is being searched.
So I'd have:
class Document(Model):
content = TextField()
class DocumentIndex(FTSModel):
docid = DocIDField()
content = TextField()
class Meta:
extension_options = {'tokenize': 'porter'}
document = Document.create(content='something')
DocumentIndex.create(content=document.content, docid=document.id)
Then when searching, I'd do something like:
query = (Document
.select(Document, DocumentIndex.bm25().alias('score'))
.join(DocumentIndex, on=(Document.id == DocumentIndex.docid))
Note: FTS3 and FTS5 use "rowid" instead of "docid".