Using Sencha Test 2.1
So I'm trying to check a checkboxmenuitem which is an item in a button menu.
I can reference it but the method check is not availble for it:
-calling check on a ST.future.CheckBox does work but this is a checkboxmenuitem
For a menucheckitem, the checkbox isn't an instance of Ext.form.field.CheckBox, so you'd want to retrieve the ST.Element future from the menuitem future, and then perform a click() on it.
For example, using this url:
ST.button('button[text="Button w/ Menu"]') // button future
.expand() // expand to reveal menu
.gotoComponent('menuitem[text="I like Ext"]') // menuitem future
.down('>> .x-menu-item-checkbox') // use down() to get Element future
.click(); // execute click on Element future
If you want to be less verbose, you could also do something like this directly from the Button future:
ST.button('button[text="Button w/ Menu"]')
.down('menu => .x-menu-item-checkbox') // use composite query to locate element