I'm building a resort review site in rails. Currently, a User
has many reviews, and each Review
belongs to a User
The reviews table contains an expedia_id
field. All data - the hotel name, images, description, etc. are pulled dynamically from the Expedia API, using lookups against this id. For example, when hitting the show
action in a controller, it makes a request to Expedia and my db using the expedia_id
to get all of the reviews and content, and renders everything on one page. Requests will also made to populate the home page (I'm thinking a Featured
table with an expedia_id
Since my entire website relies heavily on an API and I don't have a Resort
table, plus the fact that given a large amount of users, a lot of requests would be made to the Expedia API, would it make sense to scrape and write the results to my database, creating records for later use?
The middle ground would be the best solution. Create a table and model that would locally store the active resorts. Expiring your local copy after a certain period (determined by how frequently the resorts change on Expedia) and only pinging the api on a new to your system resort, or loading a resort that has been expired
This would be a basic example of how this might be done
class Resort < ApplicationRecord #for Rails <=4 do ActiveRecord::Base
after_find :maybe_update_from_expedia
ExpirationTime = 1.day #change to fit what is needed
def self.find_by_expedia_id(expedia_id)
result = self.where(expedia_id: expedia_id).first
result || self.create_by_expedia_id(expedia_id)
def maybe_update_from_expedia
update_from_expedia if expire_at.nil? || expire_at < Time.now
def self.create_by_expedia_id(expedia_id)
record = new(expedia_id: expedia_id)
def update_from_expedia
#fetch record from expedia
#update local data
self.expire_time = Time.now + ExpirationTime
As suggested by engineersmnky this can be condensed to
class Resort < ApplicationRecord #for Rails <=4 do ActiveRecord::Base
after_initialize :maybe_update_from_expedia
ExpirationTime = 1.day #change to fit what is needed
def maybe_update_from_expedia
update_from_expedia if expire_at.nil? || expire_at < Time.now
def update_from_expedia
#fetch record from expedia
#update local data
self.expire_time = Time.now + ExpirationTime
If all fetch requests use Resort.find_or_create_by(expedia_id: expedia_id)