I am writing a class and I got to the point where I can do operations that mix my class type objects and C++ literals, but in one direction only.
here is a simplified code that shows the idea:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class CLS
string str;
CLS(const char* param)
{ str = param; }
CLS operator+(const CLS& rhs)
str = str + rhs.str;
return *this; }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const CLS& rhs);
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const CLS& rhs)
out << rhs.str;
return out; }
int main()
CLS a("\n Hello ");
CLS b("bye!\n\n");
cout << a + "World!\n\n";
//cout << "\n Good " + b; /* this is not possible because of the operands order */
As you see, I can do something like:
a + "W";
but not,
"W" + a;
As indicated in the last line of the code.
I understand the reason.
The first is equivalent to:
which is covered by my class. However, the second is like,
which is not covered and the literal itself is not an object of a class as I understand. And so, the expression as whole cannot be.
I understand I can create a user defined literals, but this is not what I want to do here. (although I am not sure if they gonna work or not).
I could not find any hint browsing questions I supposed to be related on this site, and I could not get something related to my issue on the net.
My question:
Is there a way that can make either order works?
This code:
cout << "\n Good " + b; /* this is not possible because of the operands order */
does not work because you made operator+
member (and not const member). If you rewrite it as standalone function (probably friend) then this problem would go away:
CLS operator+(const CLS& lhs, const CLS& rhs)
CLS r;
r.str = lhs.str + rhs.str;
return r;
if you create additional ctor that accepts const std::string &
it would be even simpler:
CLS operator+(const CLS& lhs, const CLS& rhs)
return CLS( lhs.str + rhs.str );
note, you should rewrite existing constructor this way:
CLS(const char* param) : str( param )
it is cleaner and more efficient way