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How can I link docker containers in mesos cluster (dc/os) running on Azure?

I am setting up a multi container application on mesos cluster on Azure using azure container service and currently stuck in linking containers.

My setup brief info: - Mesos cluster is deployed on Azure using Azure container service - It's a 3 container application - A, B and C - B is dependent on A and C is dependent on A & B- - A is deployed currently

How can I link the above containers?

Thanks, Suraj


  • If by linking you mean Docker's --link then thats deprecated practice and inter-container communication should be done using Docker networks and port mappings.

    For DC/OS - you have some different ways to achieve this (also called Service Discovery). I have written a blog post explaining these different tools by examples:

    If you don't want to read through that long post and looking for a recommendation: Try using VIPs.

    When creating the application (either from Marathon or DC/OS UI), look for the 'VIP' setting. Enter an IP there (it can be a made up IP) and port. Your service will be discoverable under this IP:Port.

    More on VIPs: