I'm trying to test a component that renders a grommet Menu
component. The grommetMenu
component renders an absolutely positioned menu into the top level of the document, inserted as a child to body
. Therefore it renders outside the scope of the wrapper. I can find it with document.body.innerHTML
(referencing jsdom document) but I want to interact with it using enzyme. Any recommendations?
My Test:
const wrapper = mount(
<MyComponent checkThis={checkThisSpy} />
console.log(document.body.innerHTML); // Shows the absolute menu inserted into the body
The line in grommet that does this document.body.insertBefore(drop.container, document.body.firstChild);
. https://github.com/grommet/grommet/blob/master/src/js/utils/Drop.js#L197
Just looking for some guidance on the best way to handle this. Thanks!
Ultimately, we weren't able to find any way to test that the component using enzyme itself. Because we're using jsdom to provide the dom, document
is globally available. We ended up writing some expectations that look like
The normal dom API is sufficient to test everything we want, it's just a little clunkier.