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Does calling a blocking function inside libev event callback function blocks whole app?

I use libev to develope my event-driven app. I like to query remote mysql server inside events. so, Do mysql_real_connect block whole application or just my_read_cb

according to following code

my_read_cb(EV_P_ ev_io *w, int revents) {

    mysql_real_connect(*mysql, "host", "user", "pass", "db", 3306, NULL, 0);

struct ev_loop *loop = ev_default_loop(0);
ev_io_init(io, my_read_cb, network_fd, EV_READ);
ev_io_start(loop, io);
ev_run(loop, 0);


  • It blocks the whole application because the callback function my_read_cb() is executed in the same (aka main) thread as ev_run() function. This is how reactor pattern works, your code should be "non-blocking" which means that you should avoid any I/O waits, sleep() calls, mutex waits etc. It is difficult to follow such a requirement with traditional blocking code from various libraries such as MySQL driver in your case.

    There are (at least) three ways how to solve it:

    • Accept the fact that event loop is blocked time-to-time. It may not be a such a big deal in some apps.
    • Implement proactor pattern - that basically means that each handler callback is executed in a worker thread different from a main thread and for that reason, the event loop is not blocked. This is what Node.js provides or in C world libuv and so on.
    • Find an asynchronous/non-blocking implementation of the library compatible with your event loop. You need to be particularly lucky here. An example is e.g. for async DNS resolving (in contrast to POSIX system DNS blocking calls in getaddrinfo family).