I'm building a Flash 4 Builder project and want to use an external actionscript file. Here is the structure I used...
So, I want to be able to connect "actionscript.as" to the "OrderApp.mxml" file.
I add this <fx:Script source="assets/actionscript/actionscript.as"/>
to my OrderAp.mxml file and a function in actionscript.as looks for example like this:
public function checkCode():void{
if (txtToegangscode.text == "moia") {
lblFeedback.text = "ok";
txtToegangscode.enabled = false;
btnGaNaarPersonen.visible = true;
btnGaVerder.visible = false;
} else {
lblFeedback.text = "wrong";
When I want to add some components, like "Toegangscode.mxml" I keep getting errors like "1120: Acces of undefined property lblFeedback". When I try to call the function checkCode() What do I do wrong?
Looks like you are missing the double quote at the start of the string?
lblFeedback.text = wrong";
should be...
lblFeedback.text = "wrong";
Why not put this code into a class then you can detect any compile errors?