After installing git lfs
, git keeps asking for my password when trying to execute:
git push origin master
It's as if git
was stuck in an infinite loop: No error message, nothing, but I am being prompted for my password over and over again. The repo was cloned over HTTPS.
The closest question seems to be:
Cannot push to Bitbucket via https anymore: git returns fatal error
According to the answers to that question my options are:
(The other answers concerning the version of git don't count: I am using git 2.7.4 with git-lfs/2.1.1 (GitHub; linux amd64; go 1.8.1) so it's not that my git is too old.)
Is there any other alternative to fix this issue?
Yes, caching the password resolved the issue:
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
(Although I am not sure it is not a bug in git or in git-lfs.)
I have found this answer at git lfs stuck in push from last week [FIXED], and not here on Stackoverflow, and that is why I am posting it here in a Q&A-style.