I'm new to theano and still wrapping my head around scan. I want to compute a weighted matrix from row-weights, weight that by the weight's probability and get the corresponding weighted matrix. However, I'm having trouble iterating over weights in theano while keeping track of the matrix sum.
As a toy example:
import numpy as np
mtx = np.asarray([[1,0],[0,1],[0.5,0.5]])
weights = np.asarray([0.1,0.8]) #weight 1 and weight 2
weights_p = np.asarray([0.8, 0.2]) #prob. of weight 1 and weight 2
would be
weights_p[0] * (mtx * [weights[0],(1-weights[0])]) +\
weights_p[1] * (mtx * [weights[1],(1-weights[1])])
Exemplified more generally using numpy, indexing, and a for-loop my desired function would do this:
def get_weighted(mtx,weights,weights_p):
mtx_store = np.zeros(np.shape(mtx))
for idx in xrange(len(weights)):
mtx_store += weights_p[idx] * (mtx * [weights[idx], 1-weights[idx]])
return mtx_store
Now I need to do this in theano. What I tried:
import theano as t
v,w = t.tensor.vectors('v','w')
m,n = t.tensor.matrices('m','n')
def step(v, w, m, cum_sum):
return v * (m * [w,1-w]) + cum_sum
output, updates = t.scan(fn=step,
get_weighted = t.function(inputs=[v,w,m,n],
My idea was to have an empty array to iteratively store the sum:
mtx_store = np.zeros(np.shape(mtx))
get_weighted(weights_p, weights, mtx, mtx_store)
But I'm getting:
array([[[ 1. , 0. ],
[ 0. , 1. ],
[ 0.5 , 0.5 ]],
[[ 1.16, 0. ],
[ 0. , 1.04],
[ 0.58, 0.52]]])
Instead of
array([[ 0.24, 0. ],
[ 0. , 0.76],
[ 0.12, 0.38]])
I'm sure this stems from my ill understanding of scan. What is wrong and how could it be done more efficiently?
I found the problem. For posterity: The main problem was that the syntax of scan wants:
sequences (if any), prior result(s) (if needed), non-sequences (if any)
whereas I had provided the arguments in this order:
sequences, non-sequences, prior-results
The correct code is as follows:
def step(v, w, cum_sum,m):
return v * (m * [w,1-w]) + cum_sum
output, updates = t.scan(fn=step,
final_result = output[-1] #take the final outcome of the sum
get_weighted = t.function(inputs=[v,w,m],
(Passing the matrix to store the arguments is apparently also not necessary. I don't think that this was the problem, but it can be directly specified as done in 'outputs_info' above)