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Get average with nested relationship belongs to in laravel

I want to ask for you. hopefully my problem will be quickly resolved.

I have 3 tables consist of :


  • id

  • title_ads


  • id

  • transaction_id

  • id_ads


  • id
  • transaction_id
  • rating_value

relationship :

ads to transaction is has many

transaction to rating is belongs to

I want to ask this, how to get avg rating value from table ads? I am confused, because I think to get avg rating maybe use hasManyThrought but in this case, There is relationship belongsTo. hwo to solved it? Thank you very much :)


  • Define a hasManyThrough relation in your Ad model

    class Ad extends Model
         * Get all ratings of an Ad.
        public function ratings()
            return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Rating', 'App\Transaction');

    Now you can get the ratings in your controller with the Ad model and the ratings relation

    public function getRatingsAverage()
        // Fetch a single ad (or remove the find and get multiple)
        $ad = Ad::where('id', 1)->with('ratings')->get();
        // write average logic here...
        // could be something like this:
        $total_rating = 0;
        foreach($ad->ratings as $rating) {
            // loop through all the ratings of the ad and add the value to the total rating
            $total_rating = $total_rating + $rating->value;
        // divide the total rating by the amount of ratings to get the average
        $average = $total_rating / count($ad->ratings);