I'm trying to Mirror
this class:
final class DeckPresentationController {
defined by the DeckTransition
CocoaPod, so I can change some var, but the mirror didn't reflect anything to me:
import DeckTransition
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: DeckPresentationController())
print("children: \(mirror.children.first)")
print("count: \(mirror.children.count) ")
gives this compiling error:
unresolved identifier DeckPresentationController
Any ideas how to do it?
You are trying to access an internal
class declared in an external module. As such, using Mirror
won't get you there as well — you can't hack Swift access control using reflection like that ;)
As a quick hack, change the class declaration from:
final class DeckPresentationController
open class DeckPresentationController
and then access/override the desired properties directly — and forget about that hack-ish Mirror
of yours ;)
By the way, if your edit might be useful to others as well, consider submitting a pull request to the original CocoaPod author.