I'm looking for a way to drop partitions in relation to the current day.
alter table table_name drop partition(rep_date < from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(),'yyyy-MM-dd'));
This returns an error:
cannot recognise input near from(unix...
I can do this without literally putting in '2017-06-14'.Can I cast this into a literal type? When ever I try to put 'cast' in it doesn't like it?
create table mytable (i int) partitioned by (dt date)
alter table mytable add
partition (dt=date '2017-06-11')
partition (dt=date '2017-06-12')
partition (dt=date '2017-06-13')
partition (dt=date '2017-06-14')
partition (dt=date '2017-06-15')
partition (dt=date '2017-06-16')
partition (dt=date '2017-06-17')
show partitions mytable
| partition |
| dt=2017-06-11 |
| dt=2017-06-12 |
| dt=2017-06-13 |
| dt=2017-06-14 |
| dt=2017-06-15 |
| dt=2017-06-16 |
| dt=2017-06-17 |
hive --hivevar dt="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" -e 'alter table mytable drop partition (dt < date "${hivevar:dt}")'
Dropped the partition dt=2017-06-11
Dropped the partition dt=2017-06-12
Dropped the partition dt=2017-06-13
Time taken: 1.621 seconds
show partitions mytable
| partition |
| dt=2017-06-14 |
| dt=2017-06-15 |
| dt=2017-06-16 |
| dt=2017-06-17 |