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How to create a Promise from the nested kotlin.js.Promise?

kotlin.js.Promise has function then with this declaration:

open fun <S> then(
    onFulfilled: (T) -> S, 
    onRejected: (Throwable) -> S = definedExternally
): Promise<S>

I have two functions a() and b(). They both return a Promise<Int>. (They represent some requests to the server.) I need to combine them and create a new function like:

fun c(): Promise<Int> {

But it is not possible, because return type is Promise<Promise<Int>> and not Promise<Int>.

I think this is possible in Javascript. How can I chain promises in Kotlin?


  • you need an additional Promise for that, for example:

    fun c(): Promise<Int> {
        return Promise({ resolve, reject ->
                b().then(resolve, reject);

    the code above also can simplified by using single-expression function as below:

    fun c() = Promise({ resolve, reject ->
            b().then(resolve, reject);