I have installed Angular Google Maps with Angular 4.
The template is simple:
<agm-map [latitude]="58.150587" [longitude]="7.978571" [zoom]="19" [mapTypeId]="'satellite'"></agm-map>
What I get is a nice 3D-version, like this:
I want it to be satellite-view. But I don't want the 3D-effect. I want it to be flat, 2D, like this:
I used this module in one of my app and the map displayed is in 2d. the only difference with your code is the [mapTypeId] which I don't have :
<div class="map">
<agm-map [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="17">
<agm-marker [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng"></agm-marker>
There are 4 values possible for [maptypeId] attribute :
roadmap, which is what you want (and the one by default if the attribute is not provided)
satellite, which is a google earth representation
hybrid + terrain but I never used these.
In order to have the 2d representation, remove the attribute or change its value to [mapTypeId]="'roadmap'"
EDIT : leaving previous answer as it may help others, but the solution for your exact problem is bellow :
You need to add a mapReady event on your agm-map tag
<agm-map [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="17" [mapTypeId]="'hybrid'" (mapReady)="changeTilt($event)">
This event is fired when the google map is fully initialized. It will return your google.maps.Map instance as a result. You'll need to create a private property in order to store it.
private _map: any;
Then you can change the attributes and use the methods you want :
changeTilt(map) {
this._map = map;
I'd like to give a huge thanks to cholexa for being a really huge help on this solution (on angular2-google-map gitter chat)