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How can I implement a Stateful Builder with CustomOperations and some let

I am trying to get my head around defining a stateful builder and I can't get around some compiler errors

type Movement =
    | Left of int
    | Right of int

type MovementState = Movement list -> Movement list

type MovementBuilder () =
    member x.Zero () : MovementState = id
    member __.Return x : MovementState = id
    member __.Bind(m: MovementState, f: MovementState ) = fun v -> f (m v)

    [<CustomOperation("left", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind = true)>]
    member x.Left(ms, value) = x.Bind(ms, fun xs -> xs @ [Left value])

    [<CustomOperation("right", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind = true)>]
    member x.Right(ms, value) = x.Bind(ms, fun xs -> xs @ [Right value])

let movement = MovementBuilder()

|> movement {
    left 10
    right 20
|> printfn "list %A"
//prints [Left 10; Right 20]

However now I want introduce a let! or yield so I can add additional items without going via the defined CustomOperations so that for example I can so the following

|> movement {
    left 10
    let! _ = (fun xs -> xs @ [Right 99])
    //I also tried naming the value
    //let! x = (fun xs -> xs @ [Right 99])
    //I also tried wrapping it into another function ...
    //let! x = fun () -> (fun xs -> xs @ [Right 99])
    right 20
|> printfn "list %A"
//Should print [Left 10; Right 99; Right 20]

Any help is greatly appreciated. Bonus Karma will be send for explaining how the compiler rewrites that into a series of Binds



  • You seem to have a monadic type here which cannot "contain" anything (i.e. Async<'a> can contain types of 'a).

    This means that the only sensible type to be able to bind is unit, which makes the signature of bind member __.Bind(m: MovementState, f : unit -> MovementState).

    This allows you to use do! notation to manipulate your list of movestates and will mean a bit of a rewrite of your left and right methods. I believe you will need a combine method on your builder as well, but the compiler will let you know if you do or not pretty quickly! let! notation doesn't make a great deal of sense here as you have no "contained" type to unwrap.

    I have a short example of this in a blog post, most relevant code below:

    type PTD = ProvidedTypeDefinition -> ProvidedTypeDefinition
    type ProvidedTypeBuilder () =
        member __.Zero () : PTD =
        member __.Return _ : PTD =
        member __.Bind(m, f : unit -> PTD) =
            fun ptd -> (f ()) (m ptd)
        member x.Combine(m1 : PTD, m2 : PTD) : PTD =
            x.Bind(m1, fun () -> m2)
        [<CustomOperation("addMember", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind = true)>]
        member x.AddMember(ptd, member') =
            let func =
              fun (instance : ProvidedTypeDefinition) ->
                  instance.AddMember member'
            x.Bind(ptd, fun () -> func)

    As an example of how you can use do! notation, you can do something like this rather than building custom operation:

    let ptd = ProvidedTypeBuilder()
    let test =
        ptd {
            addMember (ProvidedProperty("MyProp", typeof<string>))
            do! (fun ptd -> ptd.AddObsoleteAttribute("Hey, don't use this anymore"); ptd)