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How to use Barcode Rendering Framework Codeplex?

I have a problem with Barcode Rendering from Codeplex, I never use that Framework. Can anyone teach me how to use that Framework for print Code 128 Barcode?

Please let me know if someone can do it.

Thank you very much.


  • Since no answer yet. I made a Code 39 implementation like this. (barcode variable is a string i get from my function)

    int maxheight = 40;
    Code39BarcodeDraw barcode39 = BarcodeDrawFactory.Code39WithoutChecksum;   
    Image img = barcode39.Draw(barcode, maxheight);

    Code 128 should look like this

    int maxheight = 40;
    Code128BarcodeDraw barcode128 = BarcodeDrawFactory.Code128WithChecksum;
    Image img = barcode128.Draw("TESTBARCODE", maxheight);

    Im using Zen.Barcode.Rendering.Framework version 3.1.10729.1 downloaded from NuGet