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Grid with points

I want to create grid with little circles 4 x 4

something like that :

enter image description here

I created the circle that will be used for the grid , but can't figure out how to create the grid with initializing the 4x4 grid with this circle

class PracticeView: UIView {
let box = UIView()

override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {

func circles() {
    let diameter = 10
    let centerCirclePath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(x:  Int(box.frame.size.width)  + 20 , y: Int(box.frame.size.height) + 20 , width: diameter, height: diameter))

I think that I must make for-in loop in another for-in loop to create the grid and then somehow to initialize the circle somehow ,but I am not too sure because I`m new in swift.


  •  override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
    func drawCirclesGrid() {
        let diameter: CGFloat = 10
        let points: CGFloat = 4 // number of points that are needed ( hard coded ! )
        let cellWidth = bounds.width / points
        let cellHeight = bounds.height  / points
        for i in 0..<Int(points) {
            for j in 0..<Int(points) {
                let circleX: CGFloat = ((CGFloat(i) + 0.5) * cellWidth)
                let circleY: CGFloat =  ((CGFloat(j) + 0.5) * cellHeight)
                let centerCirclePath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(x: circleX, y: circleY, width: diameter, height: diameter))
                let  customlayer = CAShapeLayer()
                customlayer.path = centerCirclePath.cgPath
                customlayer.fillColor =