I am trying to enable Linux Diagnostics for individual disks attached to the VM. I am referring to this link (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/diagnostic-extension)
I am using this CLI
azure vm extension set vmturbo DiagnosticTest LinuxDiagnostic Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics '3.0' --private-config-path PrivateConfig.json --public-config-path PublicConfig.json -v
And this is how PrivateConfig.json looks like
"storageAccountName" : “XXXXXXXXXX”,
"storageAccountSasToken": "sv=2016-05-31&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacup&se=2017-06-13T19:34:34Z&st=2017-06-13T11:34:34Z&spr=https,http&sig=G%2FXj0rYHNk7jUx6CF47kPdJh42jhafSsUvT0JlrR3XE%3D"
And this is how PublicConfig.json looks like
"StorageAccount": "diagnosticvmstorage",
"sampleRateInSeconds": 15,
"ladCfg": {
"diagnosticMonitorConfiguration": {
"performanceCounters": {
"sinks": "",
"performanceCounterConfiguration": [
"annotation": [
"displayName": "Disk write time",
"locale": "en-us"
"class": "disk",
"condition": "Name=\"/dev/sdc1\"",
"counter": "averagewritetime",
"counterSpecifier": "/builtin/disk/averagewritetime",
"type": "builtin",
"unit": "Seconds"
"annotation": [
"displayName": "Filesystem transfers/sec",
"locale": "en-us"
"class": "filesystem",
"condition": "Name=\"/newdisk\"",
"counter": "transferspersecond",
"counterSpecifier": "/builtin/filesystem/transferspersecond",
"type": "builtin",
"unit": "CountPerSecond"
"metrics": {
"metricAggregation": [
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT1H"
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT1M"
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/758ad253-cbf5-4b18-8863-3eed0825bf07/resourceGroups/vmturbo/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/DiagnosticTest"
"eventVolume": "Large"
The VM has a disk attached to it /dev/sdc1 and it is mounted at /newdisk. Even after using both the performanceCounters I still don't see any data in the WADMetrics***** table. Is there anything which I am doing wrong or am I missing out anything in the config file ?
According to the link that you provided, you need modify counterSpecifier
not condition
. Please refer below:
The counterSpecifier is an arbitrary identifier. Consumers of metrics, like the Azure portal charting and alerting feature, use counterSpecifier as the "key" that identifies a metric or an instance of a metric. For builtin metrics, we recommend you use counterSpecifier values that begin with /builtin/. If you are collecting a specific instance of a metric, we recommend you attach the identifier of the instance to the counterSpecifier value. Some examples:
- Idle time averaged across all
- Free space for the /mnt filesystem/builtin/Disk/FreeSpace
- Free space averaged across all mounted
filesystemsI test in my lab, you could modify your json file as below:
"annotation": [
"displayName": "Disk /dev/sdc1",
"locale": "en-us"
"class": "disk",
"condition": "IsAggregate=TRUE",
"counter": "readbytespersecond",
"counterSpecifier": "/builtin/disk/FreeSpace(/newdisk)",
"type": "builtin",
"unit": "BytesPerSecond"
Notes: I test on a ARM Ubuntu 16.04 VM. I use az vm extension set --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics --name LinuxDiagnostic --version 3.0 --resource-group $my_resource_group --vm-name $my_linux_vm --protected-settings "${my_lad_protected_settings}" --settings portal_public_settings.json
to enable LAD.