I used AngularJS v1.5.3 & vendor.bundle.js and app.bundle.js
in this click to show button and display swal confirm box and i pressed to 'Yes, display it!' button and div is not display but, i press second time then display this div, i mean $scope.displayDiv value is changing but no any effects of first time please give me solution
Here i paste my code:
<div class="input-group" ng-show="displayDiv" >
DOM data
<button class="" ng-click="disDiv()">Show</button>
$scope.disDiv = function() {
title: 'Are you sure?',
text: "You won't to display",
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
cancelButtonColor: '#d33',
confirmButtonText: 'Yes, display it!',
cancelButtonText: 'No, cancel!',
confirmButtonClass: 'btn btn-success',
cancelButtonClass: 'btn btn-danger',
buttonsStyling: false
}).then(function() {
Try with below function may be help.
<div class="input-group" ng-show="displayDiv" >
DOM data
<button class="" ng-click="disDiv()">Show</button>
$scope.disDiv = function() {
title: 'Are you sure?',
text: "You won't to display",
type: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
cancelButtonColor: '#d33',
confirmButtonText: 'Yes, display it!',
cancelButtonText: 'No, cancel!',
confirmButtonClass: 'btn btn-success',
cancelButtonClass: 'btn btn-danger',
buttonsStyling: false
}).then(function() {
$scope.$apply(function () {
I have add below function in .then
$scope.$apply(function () { $scope.displayDiv=1; });