I am developing an app with Xamarin MVVMCross technology and would like to ask a question about InterfaceOrientation option: all view controllers of application support all orientations but one should use only Portrait mode. When I go to that ViewController from others in Portrait mode, I am able to keep my portrait viewcontroller in Portrait mode due to method in my AppDelegate.cs :
public UIInterfaceOrientationMask GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations(UIApplication application, IntPtr forWindow)
if (this.RestrictRotation)
return UIInterfaceOrientationMask.All;
return UIInterfaceOrientationMask.Portrait;
But when I go to my portraitview controller when device in LandscapeLeft(LandscapeRight) orientations, GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations from AppDelegate.cs method is not called and that view controller is opened in Landscape mode. Is there a way to programmatically change orientation from Landscape to Portrait Mode just for one view controller in Xamarin IOS?
Thank you
In your helper class;
public static void LockOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationMask uIInterfaceOrientationMask, UIInterfaceOrientation uIInterfaceOrientation)
if (UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate != null)
UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SetValueForKey(new NSNumber((int)uIInterfaceOrientation), new NSString("orientation"));
In AppDelegate.cs
//Set the orientation for rest of the app
public UIInterfaceOrientationMask OrientationLock = UIInterfaceOrientationMask.All;
public override UIInterfaceOrientationMask GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations(UIApplication application, UIWindow forWindow)
return OrientationLock;
Now simply call the LockOrientation method wherever you would like to lock/change orientation.
CommonUtils.LockOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationMask.Portrait, UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait);