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recursive contract like Typed Racket's 'Rec' type

Typed Racket's Rec type is an easy way to make recursive types:

#lang typed/racket/base

(define (deep (n : Integer)) : (Rec T (U Integer (List T)))
  (if (zero? n)
    (list (deep (- n 1)))))

Is there a similar way to make a recursive contract? Racket's recursive-contract is not the same.


  • Contract expressions are just expressions! You can write a macro that takes input like Typed Racket's Rec and replaces the "recursive identifier" with a self-reference.

    Here's an example rec/c combinator, where (rec/c id ctc) expands to ctc with all occurrences of id replaced with (recursive-contract id).

    #lang racket/base
    (require racket/contract (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
    (define-syntax-rule (rec/c t ctc)
      (letrec ([rec-ctc
                (let-syntax ([t (syntax-parser (_:id #'(recursive-contract rec-ctc)))])
    (define/contract (deep n)
      (-> integer? (rec/c t (or/c integer? (list/c t))))
      (if (zero? n)
        (list (deep (- n 1)))))
    (deep 4)

    Note: the pattern _:id matches any use of t as an identifier.