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Creating shortcut in user Start menu from elevated Inno Setup installer

During its lifetime, MyApp creates extra shortcuts to Userappdata,


yet as Inno Setup requires elevation because of registry Association edits the original {Group} item is inserted in a different (commonstartmenu) directory:


Very happy with the {Group} flavour in the install so


is not an option at this stage. Else creating paths in Dirs like


doesn't appear to function in the current script:

ChangesAssociations = yes

Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked
Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked; OnlyBelowVersion: 0,6.1

; (Note: Scroll to the right to see the full lines!)
Source: "Test.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion

Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon
Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"

Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Auth/MyApp"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Auth\MyApp"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Name"; ValueData: "{app}";

Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".XXX";ValueData: "{#MyAppName}";Flags: uninsdeletevalue; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}";ValueData: "Program {#MyAppName}";   Flags: uninsdeletekey; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}\DefaultIcon";ValueData: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName},0";ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}\shell\open\command";ValueData: """{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"" ""%1""";ValueType: string;ValueName: ""

Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent

Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Name: en;  MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Name: deu; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\German.isl"
Name: es;  MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\Spanish.isl"

Name: "{userstartmenu}\{userstartmenu}\{#MyAppName}"

Type: files; Name: "{#MyAppName}.chw"

Is there any known method of pointing {Group} to {Userappdata} in an elevated scenario? Or any other helpers e.g. here?


  • If I understand your question correctly you are looking for a combination of {userprograms} and {groupname}:

    Name: "{userprograms}\{groupname}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"

    Though note that:

    • Your approach is flawed in general. An installer should not both require elevation and modify environment of a specific user. The elevation can change user context (e.g. if Administrator account is distinct to the regular user account). So you do not know, if the "user" is the right user.
    • Using groups in Start menu is against Windows guidelines for Windows 8 and newer.