I have reached the point where I have to get my Service Fabric Cluster deployed to Azure :) Besides the the stateful/stateless services I have 2 MVC applications. I currently have a few settings in the web.config files (mostly connection strings).
I plan to configure continuous build / deploy using Visual Studio Online, but have not dogged into to doing that yet.
Where are the recommended place to store the configuration settings. I will need settings for 3 different environments (dev/test/prod).
I found a reference, at some point, to store the settings on the build definition which sounds like a better place to store production credentials than in config files that are being part of the source code for the applications. I need to limit access to values for the production environment and having them in the config files that all developers has access to does not sound like the best way to do this.
Any white papers or best practices regarding this I should be aware of?
You can use de publish profiles and application parameters of the service fabric project to store your settings for each environment.
In my case i have a dev, a homolog and a production environment with different database connection strings, so i created publish profiles named Cloud.Homolog.xml, Cloud.Production.xml and for dev environment i'm still using Local.5Node.xml.
Then, when i want to deploy in some of this environments i choose the correct publish profile.
Here is the documentation for multiple environment management: