I am trying to drag a UIView on the screen to be inside another UIView i'm comparing their frames while drag-drop to check if (bead1 matches hole1 in frames) i can drag and drop just fine , but the problem is when i drag (bead2 to hole 2) bead1 automatically is placed in hole1 (like the second IF in the code becomes true) please help here's the function:
func draggingView(_ sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer){
let point = sender.location(in: view)
let draggingView = sender.view!
draggingView.center = point
if sender.state == .ended && bead1.frame.midX !=
hole1.frame.midX {
bead1.center = CGPoint (x: view.frame.width / 2 - 25, y:
view.frame.height / 2)
if sender.state == .ended && bead1.frame.midX ==
hole1.frame.midX {
bead1.center = hole1.center
imageToShow.isHidden = false
// sender.isEnabled = false
if sender.state == .ended && bead2.frame.minX - 10 !=
hole2.frame.minX - 10{
bead2.center = CGPoint (x: view.frame.width / 2 + 25, y:
view.frame.height / 2)
if sender.state == .ended && bead2.frame.minX - 10 == hole2.frame.midX
- 10{
bead2.center = hole2.center
imageToShow.isHidden = false
// sender.isEnabled = false
i could finally fix it .. I actually needed to check if a UIView contains another UIView then to compare each UIView with another's tag (I needed to set a tag to each and every UIView) like the following..
hole1.tag = 1
bead1.tag = 1
if hole1.tag == bead1.tag{
print("Bead1 IS IN!")
print("bead1 IS OUT!!!!")
and then check if it contains other's center
if bead1.frame.contains(hole1.center)