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How to trim white space for every element in JQ?

I have the following simple JSON

json='[{"k1":" http://url", "k2":null, "k3":" v3", "k4":" v4"}]'

what I need is:


(without a space before v1 and v2)

What I have is:

echo $json | jq -c '.[] | .k1, .k2 ' | paste -d "," - -

How to get rid of the space in k1 and k2 values?


  • The below will remove leading and trailing spaces in strings anywhere inside an arbitrarily complex JSON structure:

    #!/usr/bin/env jq -cf
    # Define walk function (standard library only for jq 1.6 and newer, currently unreleased)
    def walk(f):
      . as $in
      | if type == "object" then
          reduce keys_unsorted[] as $key
            ( {}; . + { ($key):  ($in[$key] | walk(f)) } ) | f
      elif type == "array" then map( walk(f) ) | f
      else f
      if type == "string" then
        (sub("^[[:space:]]+"; "") | sub("[[:space:]]+$"; ""))
      else . end

    If one saves the above (e.g. in trim-json), and marks it executable (chmod +x trim-json), then ./trim-json <<<"$json" with your given input emits:


    Similarly, with the updated input:

    $ json='[{"k1":" http://url", "k2":null, "k3":" v3", "k4":" v4"}]'
    $ ./trim-json <<<"$json"