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How to find all SO10 text modules used in an SAP Adobe Form?

How do I find all the text modules used in an Adobe Form? Is there a table somewhat like TADIR where I could type in the Adobe Form name and the object names (text modules) for that form name will appear?


  • My answer regarding Smart Forms is perfectly valid for Adobe Forms too. Adobe Forms also have SO11 text elements hard-coded in the form FM code. The only difference is link between Adobe form FM and Adobe form INCLUDE: for some reason there is no link for them in the D010INC table.

    However, as your intention is to find text elements of a single form, and not mass searching, you can find out the INCLUDE manually.

    1. Find out Adobe form function module name. You can do this either manually (Test button in SFP tcode)

    enter image description here

    or via the FP_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME FM. Resulting Adobe Form function module name should follow /1BCDWB/SM0000XXX pattern.

    1. Open this FM in SE37 and go to function group code (GoTo->Main program). There you will find something like this and there get the name of main INCLUDE, which holds the code.

    enter image description here

    1. Then by forward navigation go to INCLUDE code and by simple Find of %textkey-name pattern you can observe all text elements which were utilized in the form.

    enter image description here