I am using Scala 2.10
with ScalaMock 3.6
I have a quite simple test case with 4 test scenarios. I have created a mock
object for those tests to use (imitating file system):
class ProcessingOperatorTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterEach with MockFactory {
val fakeFS = mock[FileIO]
(fakeFS.createFile _).expects(*).returns(true).anyNumberOfTimes()
(fakeFS.exist _).expects(where { (p: String) => p.contains(existing) }).returns(true).anyNumberOfTimes()
(fakeFS.exist _).expects(where { (p: String) => p.contains(notExisting) }).returns(false).anyNumberOfTimes()
behavior of "Something"
it should "test 1" in {
it should "test 2" in {
it should "test 3" in {
it should "test 4" in {
mock methodexisting
and not existing
mock methodscreateFile
)Now, for some reason, when running all those tests together, 4th test fails giving me the following error. If running separately, it will pass.
Unexpected call: <mock-1> FileIO.exist(notExisting)
inAnyOrder {
<mock-1> FileIO.exist(notExisting)
ScalaTestFailureLocation: scala.Option at (Option.scala:120)
org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: Unexpected call: <mock-1> FileIO.exist(notExisting)
The other walkaround is to copy-paste the mock
declaration and its behaviour inside 4th it should { ... }
test scenario. Tests work then (separately, and all together).
Why is global mock
instance failing?
I can try to prepare a similar test scenario as separate sbt
project if needed.
Mix in org.scalatest.OneInstancePerTest
as described here:
class ProcessingOperatorTest extends FlatSpec
with Matchers
with BeforeAndAfterEach
with MockFactory
with OneInstancePerTest {