I've been working through the examples in the book Reactive Programming with RxJava, which is targeted at version 1 not 2. An introduction to infinite streams has the following example (and notes there are better ways to deal with the concurrency):
Observable<BigInteger> naturalNumbers = Observable.create(subscriber -> {
Runnabler = () -> {
BigInteger i = ZERO;
while (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) {
i = i.add(ONE);
new Thread(r).start();
Subscription subscription = naturalNumbers.subscribe(x -> log(x));
/* after some time... */
However, in RxJava 2, the lambda expression passed to the create()
method is of type ObservableEmitter
and this doesn't have an isUnsubscribed()
method. I've had a look in What's Different in 2.0 and also performed a search of the repository but can't find any such method.
How would this same functionality be achieved in 2.0?
Edited to include solution as given below (n.b. using kotlin):
val naturalNumbers = Observable.create<BigInteger> { emitter ->
var int: BigInteger = BigInteger.ZERO
while (!emitter.isDisposed) {
int = int.add(BigInteger.ONE)
val first = naturalNumbers.subscribe { log("First: $it") }
val second = naturalNumbers.subscribe { log("Second: $it") }
After you subscribe to Observable, Disposable
is returned. You can save it to your local variable and check disposable.isDisposed()
to see if it still subscribing or not.