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PlayReady DRM on iOS: Can you copy the decrypted video image to your own GL Context?

Has anybody had experience using Microsoft's PlayReady Client SDK on iOS?

PlayReady Client SDK for iOS – Used to develop PlayReady-enabled apps that leverage native iOS APIs. This SDK can be used to implement PlayReady protection for media formats that iOS natively supports such as HLS, live and on-demand playback of MPEG- DASH, Smooth Streaming and HLS content, and various PlayReady features.

And if yes, were you either:

  • able to get a reference to the decrypted data/pixel buffer
  • able to get a handle to the texture id showing the decrypted video image
  • or found another method of getting access to the visual media in order to display it inside your own GL context?

The use case would be to stream encrypted audio visual media from the network to an iOS device, decrypt it and use the decrypted data to create images that are then displayed on an OpenGL texture.

Why PlayReady and not FairPlay?

It appears that once you use FairPlay, the only way to display your protected video content is by using an AVPlayerLayer. There appears to be no way as of today to retrieve FairPlay protected HLS media from Apple's APIs in order to display it on an OpenGL texture in 3D space for example.


  • I've never used PlayReady Client SDK for iOS but my understanding is that you should not have access to any of those.

    PlayReady Client SDK ships with ready to use MediaPlayerController component inheriting from MPMediaPlayback. You have to use this component to play protected content (supports only H.264 and AAC). My understanding is that this component already handles downloading, decrypting, decoding and rendering of the content (it provides view as well). I'm not aware of any low level API exposed from PlayReady iOS SDK which would give you access directly to decryption buffers. I also don't understand iOS media playback enough to tell you if you can get frames from MPMediaPlayback inherited component.

    Low level access to decryption is available only if you use PlayReady porting kit directly but that requires completely different license and you would need to make your own PlayReady port to iOS. PlayReady porting kit is meant more for chip and device manufactures, not for app developers and ports need to meet PlayReady robustness guidelines.